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Solicitors Sleeping On The Streets

Solicitors Sleeping On The Streets

A team from Clifton Ingram Solicitors have raised over £1500 by volunteering to take part in The Big Sleep Out 2014, in aid of local charity Launchpad which helps vulnerable and homeless people in Reading.

The team made up of chairman Jonathan Davis, solicitors Lewis Djemal and Jenny Stevens, trainee Joel Molloy and support staff Kate Bailey and Melissa Baxter, all 'slept rough' in cardboard boxes on a chilly, soggy night in Reading.

Jonathan Davis, said “We volunteered to give up our beds for a night, not to find out what it is like to be homeless, although we got a tiny glimpse, but to raise funds for and awareness of the vulnerablepeople in our area and help them get their lives back on track. We'd like to thank everyone who sponsored us, and please keep the donations coming in!”.

You can donate by visiting Clifton Ingram's Big Sleep Out page here

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